School of Information Engineering

School of Information Engineering is a secondary college of Dalian Ocean University, the school has 6 undergraduate programs in Electronic Information Engineering, Automation, Computer Science and Technology, Information and Computing Science and Data Science and Big Data Technology. The school has 95 faculty members, of which 46 have senior professional titles and 41 have doctor’s degrees. The school has introduced and cultivated 15 teachers with international education background.

Closely combining the national marine development strategy with the marine characteristics of the university, the school has carried out international education by setting up the optional course of Japanese language under the program in computer science and technology and carrying out cooperative education with higher education institutions in other countries such as Russia, sending more than 10 students abroad for further study. The school promotes the international development of teachers. Specifically, the college has dispatched 3 young teachers to serve as teaching assistant in New Zealand universities, more than 10 teachers have served as members of the International Conference Program Committee and reviewers of international journals, and more than 10 teachers have attended international academic conferences and published more than 40 papers in high-level international journals such as SCI in the past three years. As a result, the international vision and teaching skills of teachers have been significantly expanded.
